
fall doggies

Is it me, or is this year going by quickly? I continue to be shocked that another month, another season has passed. It’s hard to believe that’s it’s Autumn already! Of course it doesn't help that Halloween decorations were in the stores in the middle of the summer… And… I have seen the Christmas stuff already! Yikes!

I love this time of year. The weather is perfect in Las Vegas. At least it is today! I love to take the dogs for a walk in the morning… not too cold… not too hot. Just like Goldilocks likes her porridge! Aaaahhh…

It’s the time of year where painting outside is awesome. The colors are amazing out there… yes even in the desert. I am again reminded of the beauty that surrounds us and how glorious it feels to be alive! Looking out at the landscape just puts all my problems into perspective. In other words, no problem is THAT big! And… I am part of this landscape as well. It’s all good!

So along with this beautiful, “perfect” weather, I am noticing how comfortable I am in my skin. It’s not a matter of what the scale says, or how my clothes fit. Maybe it comes with getting a little older, but it’s just a really nice feeling. And,... it had me ponder… how often have I felt this way and just missed it? How often have I not even paid attention to it? Acknowledged it, have gratitude for it, appreciated it?

Is this true for you too?

We only seem to notice when we’re uncomfortable, or irritated or when there is pain. I’m not saying to ignore those things,... but do we acknowledge when things are comfortable or maybe even great? Do we take a moment to say to ourselves, “Hey… all is well today! Woohoo!”

So, I doodle and paint… and write… and take walks with my dogs…sing a song… dance around the house… full of gratitude that all is well… at least in this moment. This moment is all we have anyway. Might as well make it a good one!

It’s a GOOD day!



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