
Spring roses are in bloomI love this time of year. The weather seems almost perfect for Las Vegas. Not too hot, not too cold. All the flowers are blooming and my yard smells of perfume! The roses, the jasmine! I was looking at my beautiful rose bushes and noticed that no two flowers are ever exactly the same...Ever. They may have similar attributes. They all have petals, thorns, leaves. Just like people, we are generally the same, ... we each have a heart, brain, lungs, skin, etc... All the same human elements are there. And yet, we are completely and utterly MAGNIFICENTLY, MIRACULOUSLY, UNIQUE!

There will never be another person just like us, in all of history, space and time. EVER!

Take that in for a moment. No one will ever feel what you feel, or love how you love. No one will ever create what you create, doodle how you doodle, sing like you sing, dream like you dream. Now, take a breath and notice this moment right now. No one else can do that for you. NO ONE! Kind of cool, actually!

So... with that being said...what have you been doing with this one precious life?

Good question, right? I am going to go right to the point here! No dilly dallying!

Our creativity is OUR creativity. I want you to ponder the thought... that If you don’t do it... paint it, doodle it, write it, dance it, express it, make it... IT WILL NEVER BE MADE! The world will be ripped off of your unique magnificent expression! You know... it’s not even about it being liked or not..., being right or not..., being “perfect” or “good enough.” It’s so much bigger than that! Does one say to the rose “your thorns are crooked so really why did you even bother to exist”? Pul-ease!

This is about using your precious, miraculous, radiant, heart, mind, soul, and body to express something that would not ever be created unless YOU do! PERIOD! How could anyone else even try?

It’s crazy when I think about how many years I have spent worried about what other people think... as if... they were more important than this!

Take a moment and go outside. Feel the sun on your face knowing that no one else can feel this except you. Feel the breeze against YOUR skin. Smell the flowers, like only you can. Listen to the buzz of the bees or hummingbirds. No one else can experience this for you. Take in the moment and appreciate the glorious moment of NOW. You will never get this moment back. Welcome all of it with love!

Spring is a time of new birth and CREATION! Let today and every day remind you that you are a GIFT to the world. It would be incomplete without you! Yes, you are THAT precious!

And as I always like to say... Are you breathing? Then it’s a good day!



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